Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Some question and answer of Harappan Civilization (part 1)

1}The Harappan Civilization was discovered in the year:

2}Lothal is site where dockyard of which civilization were found?
Ans:-Indus Valley

3} The people of Indus Valley Civilization usually built there houses of-
Ans:- Lucca bricks

4} Indus Valley people traded with-
Ans:- Mesopotamians

5} The Indus Valley Civilization Non Aryan because?
Ans:- It was urban

6} The local name of Mahenjodaro is-
Ans:- Mound of the dead.

7} The Indus Valley Civilization specialised in-
Ans:- Town planning.

8} The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavation of Mohenjo-Daro was made up of_
Ans:- Bronze.

9} Which animals was not known to the Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans:- Girrafe.

10} The earliest city discovered in india was_
Ans:- Harappa.